Understanding Event-Driven Metrics

Event-driven systems at the moment are dominating when it comes to software system design. Some of the characteristics of event-driven systems are asynchronous actions and eventual consistency. In traditional systems, each call will produce an immediate response. While in event-driven systems(EDS) the response is not immediate but it is made when the system is ready to process a call. The EDS is not easy to debug or predict the next state....

March 1, 2023 · 6 min · Robert Nemet

Practical k8s: Pods

A Pod would be the smallest deployable unit one can create and manage inside Kubernetes(K8s). In practice, rarely you create a Pod directly. Instead, one would create a Deployment, a StatefulSet, a DaemonSet, a Job, or a CronJob. These are higher-level constructs that would create Pods for you. Here I’m covering common tasks that one would do with a Pod in daily work, like getting logs, opening a shell inside a container, debugging a Pod, etc....

October 24, 2022 · 6 min · Robert Nemet

Deploying Database Changes For Microservices

When a service works with a database its core is tied with the database schema. Usually, that means that service models are represented in the database. Usually as tables, but not necessary. Anyway, from that comes a requirement to update database schema when the core of service is changed. If you version your service then you should version your database schema as well. For this purpose, the Liquibase is a good tool(or at least one that I like)....

February 12, 2022 · 6 min · Robert Nemet