Practical k8s: Pods

A Pod would be the smallest deployable unit one can create and manage inside Kubernetes(K8s). In practice, rarely you create a Pod directly. Instead, one would create a Deployment, a StatefulSet, a DaemonSet, a Job, or a CronJob. These are higher-level constructs that would create Pods for you. Here I’m covering common tasks that one would do with a Pod in daily work, like getting logs, opening a shell inside a container, debugging a Pod, etc....

October 24, 2022 · 6 min · Robert Nemet

Docker-Compose: How To Rebuild Working Application

While developing application and using docker-compose one question quickly arise: How to properly rebuild application? Once an image is built new one will not be built with the same tag as long it exists in a local cache. The compose builds an image it names it with the pattern <context>_<service_name>:latest. Where: Context is directory name where compose YAML is Service is service name in compose YAML file This means that you can stop or takedown the compose application, next time you run it your images will not be rebuilt if they already exist....

February 2, 2022 · 2 min · Robert Nemet

Docker-Compose: What Every Developer Needs To Know

If you are developing microservices, docker-compose(compose), can be a very powerful tool. Think of a case with an API service and database. Creating and maintaining a database with the use of the Liquibase. Initial plan …would be: start DB run the Liquibase to make changes start an app Adding docker-compose as a driver to utilize this process: sequenceDiagram autonumber Docker -->> PostgresDB: start PostgresDB -->> PostgresDB: wait to finish start PostgresDB -->> Docker: done Docker -->> LiquibasePG: start LiquibasePGDB -->> PostgresDB: execute changeLog LiquibasePGDB -->> Docker: done Docker -->> Echo: start PostgresDB Setup This is the simplest step....

January 26, 2022 · 3 min · Robert Nemet