Kubernetes: Containers, Pods and Deployments

This post is the second part of the series about Kubernetes. In the first part, we introduced the K8s and its basic concepts. Before you start creating services or scaling apps, it’s essential to understand the core components of Kubernetes. This post walks you through pods, containers, and deployments—what they are, how they work, and how they come together to keep your apps running smoothly. Local Setup To taste K8s, you do not need access to some fancy remote platform. You can test and play with it on your own machine. Right now, there are a lot of solutions that can help you run K8s locally: ...

February 1, 2025 · 5 min · Robert Nemet

Kubernetes: A Gentle Introduction for Developers

Diving into the world of Kubernetes doesn’t need to be intimidating. This post will explain Kubernetes, why it matters, and how it fits into the modern application landscape. By the end, you’ll understand its core purpose and how it can make your development life more manageable. The target audience for this post is developers who are new to Kubernetes or those who work on a product that uses Kubernetes but do not have a deep understanding of it. ...

January 28, 2025 · 3 min · Robert Nemet

Practical k8s: Pods

A Pod would be the smallest deployable unit one can create and manage inside Kubernetes(K8s). In practice, rarely you create a Pod directly. Instead, one would create a Deployment, a StatefulSet, a DaemonSet, a Job, or a CronJob. These are higher-level constructs that would create Pods for you. Here I’m covering common tasks that one would do with a Pod in daily work, like getting logs, opening a shell inside a container, debugging a Pod, etc. ...

October 24, 2022 · 6 min · Robert Nemet

Kubernetes: Exposing Services and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

This post is the third part of the series about Kubernetes for beginners. In the second part, I introduced the K8s and its basic components. In the second part, I discussed containers, pods, and deployments. This post will discuss services(SVC) and horizontal pod autoscaler(HPA). In this short post, I will discuss how to expose your services to the outside world and scale your applications based on the load. Exposing Deployments: Services When you create a Deployment, you’ll get Pods running your app. So, start local K8s cluster and deploy an app: ...

February 6, 2025 · 8 min · Robert Nemet