Learning eBPF: Setting up the environment

For a while, I’ve been following stuff around eBPF, and it is very promising. What I just wrote is an understatement. At first glance, eBPF is bringing many new possibilities to our toolbox. You can start with performance profiling, tracing, security, networking, etc. But let’s start from the beginning. By the way, I’m doing this on OSX. For eBPF, you need Linux kernel 4.1 or newer. So, I’ll be running some VMs....

May 8, 2023 · 6 min · Robert Nemet

New Docker Goodies: Init and Watch

Recently Docker brought some new stuff that I found very useful for developers. They are still in the experimental phase but are already very useful. Try them and give your feedback to the Docker team. The code I’m using for this is available here. Let’s start… Init Writing a Dockerfile when starting with a new application is tedious. Why? Because we are repeating most of the stuff over and over again....

May 1, 2023 · 4 min · Robert Nemet

Is Outsourcing Killing Developers

I live and work in one of the Balkan countries, Belgrade, Serbia. After the sad ’90s, all countries in the region try to catch up with the rest of the world. That led to a boom in IT. A large portion of IT is outsourcing companies. Some companies are domestic, and some are foreign. Also, some companies opened their R&D centers in the region. Small and big as well. There was and still is a large number of startups....

April 23, 2023 · 8 min · Robert Nemet