Exploring GCP With Terraform: Setting Up The Environment And Project

This topic is nothing new. There are many articles and tutorials on the internet about this. I’ll be setting up a Terraform project to explore GCP. I cover the basics of Terraform and GCP. Warning ...

August 16, 2023 · 14 min · Robert Nemet

Task vs Make - Final Thoughts

So, after spending time moving from Make to Task, I decided. I’m going with Task in my future projects. Make will not be removed from my projects immediately, but I will not use it in the future. Let me tell you why. All this is my personal opinion. I’m not saying that Task is better than Make. I think that Task is better for me. Global Taskfile I have a global Task in my home directory for standard stuff. It contains tasks to update my tools, run some diagnostics, etc. Because it is global, it is accessible from any directory. For example: ...

August 8, 2023 · 5 min · Robert Nemet

WIP: Taskfile instead of Makefile?

Recently, I stumbled upon a tool called Taskfile. It is a task runner, similar to Makefile, but with many improvements. I decided to try it and see if it can replace my Makefiles. Why Taskfile? First of all, Makefile is a good tool. Today, you can use it on any platform, not just Linux. It is a standard tool for running tasks. It is flexible and powerful. My relation with it is love/hate. It can be tricky to write a good Makefile or to debug it. Reading also can be a challenge. Because of that, when I found out about Taskfile, I decided to try it. ...

July 29, 2023 · 8 min · Robert Nemet

Learning eBPF: Maps, Ring Buffers and Output

I set the stage for learning eBPF. As mentioned in the previous post, eBPF is a technology that allows us to run code in the kernel. This is a compelling technology, but it comes with a few limitations. One of them is that we can’t use the standard output to print messages. At least not directly. Let’s explore how we can do this. Why can’t I use the standard input/output? Let’s look at this picture ...

June 10, 2023 · 7 min · Robert Nemet

Learning eBPF: Setting up the environment

For a while, I’ve been following stuff around eBPF, and it is very promising. What I just wrote is an understatement. At first glance, eBPF is bringing many new possibilities to our toolbox. You can start with performance profiling, tracing, security, networking, etc. But let’s start from the beginning. By the way, I’m doing this on OSX. For eBPF, you need Linux kernel 4.1 or newer. So, I’ll be running some VMs. This setup should be doable on Linux too. Code is available here. ...

May 8, 2023 · 6 min · Robert Nemet