Finally, this is the last step in making the Terraform project manageable. I’ll add Terragrunt to the project. Terragrunt is a thin
wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules. It’s an excellent tool for making your Terraform code DRY and reusable.
I’m starting with the same project as in the previous post. The current state of code is available here in
the branch add_modules
Well, you need to install Terragrunt. You can find installation instructions here. That is all.
Adding Terragrunt to the back-office network and vms modules
I’m starting with the back-office
module. What I do in this module will be easily copied to other modules.
Notice that common code in back-office/vms
and back-office/network
is related to the provider and state file configurations. This code is common for all modules. The only thing that differs is
the backend.prefix
. Its value differs from module to module.
So, the first thing is to make a global configuration on the dev
level. To do that, I’m creating a terragrunt.hcl
file in the dev
generate "provider" {
path = ""
if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
contents = <<EOF
provider "google" {
project = var.project_id
region = var.region
zone =
terraform {
required_version = ">=1.5.7"
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "4.77.0"
remote_state {
backend = "gcs"
generate = {
path = ""
if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
config = {
bucket = "terraform-states-network-playground-382512"
prefix = "terraform/state/dev/${path_relative_to_include()}"
terraform {
extra_arguments "common" {
commands = get_terraform_commands_that_need_vars()
arguments = [
This file has three sections. The first section is generate "provider"
. This section will generate a
file in each module. Suppose it already exists and is managed by Terragrunt. In
that case, it will be re-generated if there are any changes to the configuration. This file will contain provider configuration.
The second section is remote_state
. This section will generate a
file in each module. This file will contain state file configuration. Notice that prefix
is set to terraform/state/dev/${path_relative_to_include()}
. This setting will store the state file in the terraform/state/dev
folder, and each module will have its subfolder. That is
important because each module will have its state file.
The third section is terraform
. This section will add extra arguments to Terraform commands. In this case, it will add -var-file=${path_relative_from_include()}/common.tfvars
. So, when I run
any Terraform command requiring variables, Terragrunt will add this argument. That allows me to have one common.tfvars
file in the dev
folder, and all modules will use it.
Now, I need to add the common.tfvars
file to the dev
project_id = "network-playground-382512"
region = "europe-west1"
zone = "europe-west1-b"
I need to add a terragrunt.hcl
file to each module to use this. I’m adding it to the back-office
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
Now, I can remove the
and terraform.tfvars
files from the back-office
module. This time, I’ll be running terragrunt plain
instead of terraform plan
in the back-office
terragrunt plan
Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments...
google_service_account.back_office_fw_sa: Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/serviceAccounts/] Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/global/networks/back-office]
module.back-office.module.subnets.google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-central1/back-office-private"]: Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/back-office-private]
module.back-office.module.subnets.google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork["us-central1/back-office"]: Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/back-office]
module.back-office.module.firewall_rules.google_compute_firewall.rules_ingress_egress["back-office-icmp"]: Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/global/firewalls/back-office-icmp]
module.back-office.module.firewall_rules.google_compute_firewall.rules_ingress_egress["back-office-iap"]: Refreshing state... [id=projects/network-playground-382512/global/firewalls/back-office-iap]
No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration
and found no differences, so no changes are needed.
Running the terragrunt plan
in the back-office/network
module will generate two files:
, according to the terragrunt.hcl
file in the dev
For the back-office/vms
module, I need to add the terragrunt.hcl
file to the back-office/vms
include "root" {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
dependencies {
paths = ["../network"]
dependency "network" {
config_path = "../network"
inputs = {
vpc_back_office_id =
vpc_back_office_subnetwork =
back_office_fw_sa =
Now, this terragrunt.hcl
not only includes files from parent folders but also defines dependency on the ../network
module. That means that the back-office/vms
module depends on the
module. A network needs to be created before virtual machines. That is important because the back-office/vms
module needs to know some outputs from the back-office/ network
module. The section inputs
defines inputs for the back-office/vms
module. These inputs are outputs from the back-office/network
module. The last thing allows me to remove in
addition to
and terraform.tfvars
, and
files from the back-office/vms
I need to add additional variables to the
file in the back-office/vms
variable "back_office_fw_sa" {
description = "back office firewall service account"
type = string
variable "vpc_back_office_id" {
description = "back office vpc id"
type = string
variable "vpc_back_office_subnetwork" {
description = "back office vpc subnetwork"
type = any
Running terragrunt plan
should give me no changes needed. Also, I can now run terragrunt apply
instead of terraform apply
in back-office/vms
What I did in the back-office
module, I need to do in the service
and strorage
modules. Simple. Remember to properly define dependencies and inputs in other vms
When it comes to the peering
module, I need to add the terragrunt.hcl
file to the peering
include "root" {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
dependencies {
paths = ["../back-office/network", "../services/network", "../storage/network"]
dependency "back-office" {
config_path = "../back-office/network"
dependency "services" {
config_path = "../services/network"
dependency "storage" {
config_path = "../storage/network"
inputs = {
vpc_back_office = dependency.back-office.outputs.vpc_back_office
vpc_services =
vpc_storage =
That will ensure that the peering
module will be created after the back-office
, services
, and storage
modules. Also, it will provide inputs for the peering
module. These inputs are
outputs from back-office
, services
, and storage
Interesting would be generating a graphical representation of the dependencies:
terragrunt graph-dependencies | dot -Tpng > dependencies.png
The terragrunt graph-dependencies
command will generate a graph of the dependencies between modules. The dot -Tpng > dependencies.png
command will convert the graph to a PNG file, that is
graphviz. That is a great way to visualize dependencies between modules.
Try from dev
folder terragrunt run-all plan
. The Terragrunt will split the modules into groups. In each group, it will run plan
, but first, it will run it in network
modules because they
are dependencies for other modules. Then, it will run plan
in parallel for other modules in the other group.
Adding Terragrunt to the project is relatively easy. It requires some changes to the project structure and the code. But it is worth it. It makes the project more manageable: code is DRY, and common code is generated in one place. I can run Terraform commands from the root folder and do not need to visit each module, etc…